Some background information

Local Place Plans & Community Action Plans 

Long established Community Action Plans and new Local Place Plans are each a form of community-led plan

Benefits of a Community Action Plan (CAP)

Clear vision  ✔️

Agreed priorities  ✔️

Timeline for achievement   ✔️

Options for implementation  ✔️

Additional benefits of a Local Place Plan (LPP)

Influence over future Local Development Plan (Aberdeenshire LDP)  ✔️

Impact on future development  ✔️

Spatial plan  ✔️

We are working on a plan for Aboyne that will be a new Local Place Plan (LPP)

but which will also include the benefits of a Community Action Plan (CAP)!

What goes into a Local Place Plan?

A Local Place Plan has to take various factors into consideration:


The plan must reflect OUR VOICE

It should also ask about OUR FUTURE

Questions such as:


The plan should also take account of other relevant local information, such as:


Finally, the plan has to be in line with national and local planning policies

and should reflect principles such as

(And now for the the boring stuff ...)

A Local Place Plan must also comply with certain legal requirements ...

It must:

We're aiming to make sure that all of this is complied with so that OUR VOICE is heard when it comes to the FUTURE of OUR VILLAGE

For more information on the requirements for Local Place Plans, see Aberdeenshire Council's Local Place Plan Quick Guide, Scottish Government guidance in Planning Circular 1/2022: Local Place Plans and Our Place Scotland's Local Place Plans information and guidance

More questions?

If you would like more information on any of this, please just contact us!