Spring 2024 Engagement - Materials

Following our analysis of the autumn 2023 survey responses and other data relating to our community, we have prepared draft Initiatives for the community to consider

We are sharing these here to get your comments and thoughts, along with other background material that help to put the draft Initiatives in context

Are we on the right track? Let us know!

Please contact us with any comments or questions, including "Engagement Spring 2024 Feedback" in the title of the email

Note that these are a work in progress and not yet in final form - please don't copy, use or distribute these materials in whole or part without checking with us first!

Engagement Spring 2024 - Background - What, why and how - updated.pdf
Engagement Spring 2024 - Draft Initiatives - Theme Overviews v2.pdf
Engagement Spring 2024 - Draft Initiatives - Summaries.pdf
Engagement Spring 2024 - Feedback to Aboyne Academy pupils.pdf

Initiatives Maps - Themes

LPP theme maps A3 (v3 31 May 2024).pdf

Initiatives Maps - Each Initiative

LPP Individual initiative maps A3 (v3 31 May 2024).pdf

LDP 2023
Aboyne Settlement Map (current)

LDP Settlement Map Aboyne.pdf

SEPA Map Aboyne (flood risk)

SEPA Map Aboyne.pdf